16th Global Youth Peace Fest-GYPF 2023

Since 2006, the annual Global Youth Peace Fest (GYPF) of Yuvsatta (youth for peace)-an NGO is organized to provide a platform for the young people to discuss, understand, share, find solutions and develop strategies on issues of global concerns, especially related to rights & dignity of women, active citizenship, promoting the culture & spirit of non-violence and green living.

Now, GYPF (earlier IYPF) has become an amalgam of a week of inspirational peace-talks, creative workshops, cooperative-games, action based activities, volunteer action, building cross-cultural relationships, cultural festivities and neigbourhood walks.  Beyond friendships, GYPF is also breeding grounds for inspiring new ideas. The organizers assume that the continuity of organizing GYPF will prove infectious and it is definite to spurt similar sprouting elsewhere in India & Globally too.

Celebrating 16 years of promotion of culture of peace and nonviolence 16th Global Youth Peace Fest-GYPF 2023 will be organized at Colombo, Sri Lanka, from September 30 to October 2, 2023. For more details www.peacefestindia.in


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Young people are the architects of the new world order. And if young people are to make the new order they need to understand the problems of their world and in long run should focus their energy and creativity on creating solutions that others will adopt. With this in view, Yuvsatta launched a Global Youth Peace Forum (GYPF) to promote globally a culture of peace, nonviolence & volunteering by involving more and more young people


In last fifteen years, over 100 Peace Clubs in Schools & Colleges of tricity i.e. Chandigarh, Panchkula & SAS Nagar (Mohali) are formed by Yuvsatta (youth for peace) and beneficiaries are 40-50 direct peace club members at each place and what they plan and do percolates down to their entire School or College thus promoting culture of nonviolence in thousands of young children’s. And through active and
vibrant Peace Clubs now managements and heads of various educational institutions of the city are already doing a lot to strengthen the culture of peace and volunteering in their campus.


‘1 INDIA Campaign’ is to more strongly emphasize religious & ethnic harmony, national unity, and efficient governance. And volunteers of Yuvsatta are motivating heads of various educational institutions to observe one day of the month as 1 India day and involve their young students in activities and programs fostering the spirit of brotherhood, friendship and love.


The power of Rupee campaign is inspired by similar campaigns in many parts of the world, especially in countries like Malaysia, Indonesia & US to collect coins from ordinary children and people for empowering the needy and less fortunate. Thus millions are helped and spirit of giving is inculcated among millions of other.Same way in Chandigarh the campaign has been taken up by Yuvsatta in association with local Schools of tricity Chandigarh, Panchkula & SAS Nagar (Mohali), encouraging students to give small amounts of money (1 Rupee coin each) on a regular basis to support programs empowering the marginalized. For the student donors, this campaign creates an awareness of poverty and its human impact, thus fostering a habit of caring for and helping others and also creating a humane society caring for each other.


Yuvsatta has started a campaign for a ‘SDG5 Compatible Chandigarh2030’. In which, under a unique GIRLS INDIA initiative, 55 Girls Parliaments are formed in major schools and colleges of the city, where in a core group of incharge teachers are doing exemplary work to inspire, motivate and actively engage the targeted over 1,00,000 girl students under these 55 educational institutions.

To support the aforesaid Yuvsatta initiated another programme christened as ‘Safe Public Space for Girls & Women’ with partnerships of local resident’s welfare associations and market welfare associations. These girls are the women and mothers of the future. If left to be ignorant of their rights they are destined to be subject to abuse and discrimination. The long term impact expected is a change in societal attitudes towards women.


This is motivating more & more people pedaling more often on bicycles in the city, benefiting all the residents of the city alike. And to realize the objective Yuvsatta volunteers regularly organize Inter-School Bicycle Games, Bicycle tours, Bicycle Rallies and events promoting the culture of cycling in the city.


Since 1996, Yuvsatta is actively involved in HIV/AIDS intervention programs. And one of the present project ‘Rakshak’ which means savior is to promote healthy life style among over 900 marginalized ‘Female Sex Workers’ in Chandigarh. This population has a high risk of transmission of HIV due to their high risk and poor health seeking behaviour.


The engine for change has to come from the selflessness and sense of service of the individual volunteer, so that the collective consciousness can be aroused – which is essential to bring about sustainability. With this in view Volunteer Chandigarh programme awaken the spirit of volunteerism in youth to improve community, take responsibility for a project, recruit others, and start transforming.


A ‘Project Heritage Trees’ was initiated in Chandigarh with a mission to preserve, manage, enhance, and expand a vital collection of trees in the city with documenting (where ever available) the historic, scientific, aesthetic, environmental, economic, conservation, and educational value of these trees (majority of them are above 100 year of age) as part of larger biodiversity of this region. Now, process is on for adoption and care of heritage trees in the city.

PROJECT V CARE (Saluting the soldiers)

Regular events and activities promoting one to one interaction of young people with Defence Forces. Organizing meetings with serving and retired ‘Bravest of the Brave’ is all part of the initiative.


This is a flagship programme of Yuvsatta to really empower the marginalized tiny-tots living in slum settlements from within. In which with help of donors Yuvsatta volunteers ensures that the targeted kid regularly goes to School, gets proper uniform and education supplements (books, stationery, school bag, water bottle, tutorial & motivational classes). Arrangements are also made for library, computer classes and vocational training along with educational excursions at regular intervals, which ensures holistic development of sponsored child.

To support the targeted marginalized tiny-tots we need people like you who’re willing to support one or more kids. And this doesn’t involve much, by giving a little (INR 7200/year or USD $120/Child), you’ll surely gain a lot by way of seeing a new lease of dreams and ambitions to someone who need a little push to realize his true potential. It can open up a new life-long relationship with joy of giving!